LED Light Therapy

Many scientific studies now reveal that LED’s (Light Emitting Diodes) can help rejuvenate skin! I’ve often been told that my rejuvenating tips are “ahead of the curve.” Now five years after revealing the age-proofing benefits of LED’s, in my second Hollywood Beauty Secrets: Remedies to the Rescue book, many health magazines and famous dermatologists finally acknowledge my findings. Here are a few recent quotes from dermatologists and health experts:

“Six weeks of treatment with LED’s can significantly improve the appearance of fine lines.”
In Style Magazine/Sept.2008

“LED’s activate the skin’s natural rejuvenation process for a smoother, more even complexion.”
In Style Magazine/Sept.2008

“Photo Rejuvenation treatment results are the closest thing to a face lift that I’ve been able to achieve since becoming an aesthetician.”
Day Spa Magazine

“The treatment is especially effective at improving the appearance of the face, neck and chest, by reducing signs of aging, wrinkles and age spots.” Web M.D. Health

The spa-quality, FDA approved 2-Panel LED Light Therapy unit that I have used for many years and have recommended to thousands of my readers includes a combination of 174 red and infrared LED’s (Light Emitting Diodes) and is used by many private individuals as well as professionals including: aestheticians, physical therapists, doctors, actresses, models, and private individuals for rejuvenation and pain management.

In just 17 minutes a day you can treat your entire face! Many individuals have seen a dramatic reduction and improvement in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s-feet and age spots on face, chest, neck and hands with just 17 minutes use per day in just three weeks. For maximum results I recommend using the unit 17 minutes every other day for 4 – 6 weeks. Once you achieve the desired effect, simply reduce usage to two or three times a week. . For pain management you can place the panels on areas of the body for 30 to 40 minutes. (TESTIMONIAL)

LED Light Therapy has been used by NASA, the US Army and athletes for quick healing. And now it is quickly becoming known as one of the most effective and non-invasive ways to help rejuvenate and repair the skin.

This FDA-Approved 2 – panel unit contains 174 light diodes that meet the NASA standard of 660 nm to 880 nms and the light penetrates to the dermis and beyond for rejuveantion and pain management benfits. This unit retails for $399 to $499 elsewhere but as you know I help women get the deepest disocunt on all products that I research and I have arranged to help you receive  $110 off, get FREE S & H and pay no sales tax in all states but CO. on this 2-panel FDA-Approved Unit so you pay a total of ONLY $289. Call 1-877-568-4727 to get your $110 discount or go to www.hollywoodbeautysecrets.com to download a discount order form.

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