Regimen for Rosacea

REGIMEN FOR ROSACEA (or very sensitive skin)
Louisa’s Cleansing Tip: Be sure to cleanse skin a.m. & p.m. and never go to bed with make-up on. Choose a gentle liquid cleanser. Do not rub or scrub if you have Rosacea. Gently glide the cleanser on wet skin and use tepid (lightly warm) water – never hot water.

Cleanser Choices
Perfect RX Beyond Clean Cleanser (with zinc & salicylic acid)
Glycolic Facial Cleanser with Marine Plant Extracts
Louisa’s Exfoliating Tip: For rejuvenating skin with Rosacea or very sensitive skin, use a gentle exfoliating enzyme mask such as pumpkin or papaya. Apply mask on face focusing on temples, jowls, crow’s feet, jaw line, lips & around mouth, neck, chest & tops of hands. Enzyme masks help gently exfoliate, stimulate collagen, brighten & tighten skin and help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. See my gentle mask recipe below:
Louisa’s Gentle Enzyme Mask: Cut a ripe papaya in half. Scoop out the seeds and pulp. Rub the inside of the peel of the papaya onto face and areas noted above. Wait about 20 minutes, then rinse papaya off with tepid water. You may wish to eat the papaya pulp – it’s great for digestion and tastes delicious.

Refer to Louisa’s book for many more masks that address face, body and hair.

Louisa’s Smart-Aging Moisturizing Tips For Rosacea or Extra Sensitive Skin: Apply either an oxygenated gel with antioxidants or a combination antioxidant with peptide product twice a day.

O24U Hyper-Oxygenated Gel is for all sensitive skin types, including rosacea, acne, and blemish-prone skin. This gentle, effective moisturizing gel contains antioxidants and oxygen to help kill bacteria and combat blemishes that often accompany Rosacea. Helps heal scars, and nourishes skin with added antioxidants.

See two highly effective age-proofing regimens that combat Rosacea and help those with very sensitive skin below:

a.m. Apply:  O24U Gel &  C-30 Moisturizing Sunscreen (overtop)
Neutrogena Sensitive Skin Sunblock Lotion 30 SPF (drug store)
p.m. Apply:  O24U Gel or  Perfect RX Beyond Essential (peptides)

Louisa’s Tip for Eyes: To address fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles or puffiness, try one of the following effective eye cream choices.

Eye Cream Choice for Puffiness, Dark Circles & Fine Lines:
Ultimate Eye Cream (Antioxidants, Peptides & Emu oil)
Perfect RX Eye Perfect Serum
Louisa’s Sunscreen Tip: Protect your investment by applying sun screen EVERY morning over your day lotion. Then apply make-up. C-30 Moisturizing Sunscreen is perfect for all skin types including oily, sensitive or Rosacea skin. The added green tea helps prevent blemish breakouts.

C-30 Moisturizing Sunscreen with SPF 30
Neutrogena Sensitive Skin Sunblock Lotion 30 SPF (drug store)
Body Rejuvenating Tip: Dermatologist recommended, all natural, hypo-allergenic, fragrance-free and non-greasy Skinlasting helps gently exfoliate and hydrate skin from head to toe without using oils or chemicals. For ALL skin types including normal, dry, mature, oily, eczema, psoriasis, pilaris keratosis (chicken bump skin), diabetic or even post-chemo skin help. Evens skin tone with gentle exfoliation and hydrates all areas of the body including face, neck, hands, elbows, arms, knees, legs and feet.

Body Hydrator & Gentle Exfoliator
Skinlasting Hydrator